Thursday, October 11, 2012

It is Key that You Understand Methylation

New research below looking at how early life experience has a direct influence on the body's methylation process. DNA methylation is a crucial part of normal development and cellular differentiation. DNA methylation stablizes gene expression patterns in cells so that cells can "remember where they have been".

We can't change things that have happened to us but we can change the way our body deals with it. Proper Methylation is responsible for Neurotransmitter Balance, Efficient Detoxification and Efficient Cellular Energy Production; it is responsible for how your body experiences health and deals with inflammation. This is the reason I’m so dedicated to raising awareness about how diet and lifestyle have a direct affect on the methylation process. Most people approach Trich through trying to manage their thought patterns. Changing thought patterns to be more supportive of YOU will absolutely improve the way your body methylates but your thought patterns are the hardest thing to change. Medication affects the way you produce neurotransmitters but it does not support neurotransmitter balance and most will further complicate the body’s ability to methylate properly.

NAC, SAMe, Inositol… etc, all of these natural approaches influence the body’s methylation process and this is why they help in many cases. Regardless of how you decide to treat Trich, without complimenting treatment options with diet and lifestyle changes you will most likely not make significant improvements. This is why I’m so passionate about lifestyle change. Most of us feel like it would be impossible to change the way we think but we can start to improve the methylation process without changing thought patterns and when we take steps to improve methylation through lifestyle it makes changing thought patterns so much easier. I wish there was a magic bullet, I wish you could simply take the “blue pill” and not have to change anything but it is simply not the truth. Research methylation or DNA metylation and epigenetics; if you are asking the right questions, you will come to some startling conclusions.

(Medical Xpress)—Early life experience results in a broad change in the way our DNA is "epigenetically" chemically marked in the brain by a coat of small chemicals called methyl groups, according to researchers at McGill University. A group of researchers led by Prof. Moshe Szyf, a professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics in the Faculty of Medicine, and research scientists at the Douglas Institute have discovered a remarkable similarity in the way the DNA in human brains and the DNA in animal brains respond to early life adversity. The finding suggests an evolutionary conserved mechanism of response to early life adversity affecting a large number of genes in the genome. Read more at:

Methylation Made Easy Part 1

Methylation Made Easy Part 2
Methylation Made Easy Part 3
Methylation Made Easy Part 4

I'm reposting this audio because it's important. If you see a Doctor, ask them to do some new research and if they are not willing to do so then find a new Doctor. Find a Doctor that practices Functional Medicine!

Julia Ross, MA explains why neurotransmitter balance is so important and how Balance can be achieved through Lifestyle Change and Amino Acid Supplementation.

Challenges of Patient Resistance and Compliance - Combining Nutrition with Psychology. Featuring: Marla Friedman, PhD Click link:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Watch Hungry for Change for free until Saturday, Oct. 6th 2012

"Hungry for Change" is free to watch until Saturday, Oct. 6th.  Watch this movie! It’s not about “a diet” it’s about gaining an understanding of normal human physiology and it’s broken down at a level that anyone can understand. You can use this information to dramatically improve your life.

Movie Trailer:

The video below is Dr. Ben Goldacre at a recent TEDmed conference. The title of the talk is "What doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribe"; it really says it all. Most Medical Doctors do not know the truth about human health. When they say things like "diet or lifestyle doesn’t really matter with your condition" it’s because they don’t really know how it does. Did you know that Medical Doctors get absolutely no clinical nutrition in med school? If they want to learn about nutrition they have to do it on their own. This video shows that research is skewed toward profitability. If 5 studies show that a drug or food additive is safe and 5 studies show that it is harmful how does the peer review process decide what studies to publish? You would hope that since we’re talking about science they would do more research or choose in favor of what’s best for human health but in our current system profitability wins almost every time.