Friday, January 21, 2011

“The Wellness and Prevention Paradigm”

If you are struggling with what I talk about on this blog,  please read "Wellness and Prevention Paradigm” at the link below and watch these videos. Treatment protocols at Be Well are rooted in evidence brought to light by experts like Dr. James Chestnut,  Dr. Dan Murphy and Dr. Mark Hyman

Dr. Chestnut's new book is fantastic and filled with scientific evidence supporting the topics discussed on this blog. You can read excerpts for free here:

Start with PBS's "Science NOVA" on Epigenetics. This video explains the Basic Science supporting the information on this blog.

Find a Functional Medicine Practitioner! It will be the best trip to the doctor you have ever made. If you live in Central Florida click here, visit us at Be Well. Watch the video below, Functional Medicine explained at TEDMED.

More Below:

Listen to these Audio Files:

All body systems work together. It’s absolutely ridiculous to treat one aspect of one body system and expect to “fix” anything… Listen to Dr. Donielle Wilson, ND. “Seven Essential Indicators for Optimal Women's Wellness: Digestion, Sleep, Energy, Mood, Cycle, Diet, Stress” Healing cannot take place until you start asking the right questions.

Listen to Julia Ross, MA explain why neurotransmitter balance is so important and how Balance can be achieved through Lifestyle Change and Amino Acid Supplementation. The audio below will explain why the Be Well Approach is so powerful. Click the link to listen:
Also Listen to:
Challenges of Patient Resistance and Compliance - Combining Nutrition with Psychology
Featuring: Marla Friedman, PhD Click link:

Understand how food allergy and sensitivity differ. Listen here:  

Now, watch "Feed Your Genes: Express Your Health and Performance Potential!"
Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

Part Five:

Part Six:

Part Seven:

Part Eight:

If you would like to purchase “Wellness and Prevention Paradigm” here is the link,

From his website:

"This book is the most easily understood, evidence-based, undeniable argument ever put forward regarding the indisputable facts that:
  1. The era of addressing the effects of illness (symptoms and risk factors) has never worked, will never work, costs millions of lives, costs trillions of dollars, is destroying healthcare, and must come to an end. 
  2. The new evidence-based era of addressing the cause of illness (chronic lifestyle and environmental stressors) will save millions of lives, will save trillions of dollars, will save healthcare, and must begin."
Please know that our only motivation is to help everyone understand normal human physiology and why we experience abnormal behavior/symptoms. Be Well receives no proceeds from the sale of this book. Dr. Chestnut has written many books but they have all been intended to teach his approach to other Practitioners. This new book has been written in lay terms and is a must read for anyone needing a more in deapth understanding of the evidence supporting the Be Well approach.

Dr. James Chestnut's Blog: The Wellness and Prevention Paradigm

Support your Normal Human Physiology! Watch "Born to Survive"

More Research:

What can we learn from studying wild animals in captivity? Animals struggle with similar problems and for the same reasons… more here.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What is “Wellness Based Chiropractic” and how can it help?

This post has been expanded with more video here: check out The Science of Chiropractic Wellness.

At Be Well, we explain Chiropractic as “Removing Interference from the Nervous System.” This is a very simple way to explain how Chiropractic works but it is certainly oversimplified. For some people, “Removing Interference” doesn’t provide enough substance. Everyone wants to have confidence in the treatment option they choose; it’s the only way to justify the expense. For over 100 years, Chiropractic has helped millions of people overcome a multitude of problems, but only in the last 10 years have we begun to truly understand how it works. In this “information era” people are ready to truly understand Chiropractic Wellness Care and how it supports normal human physiology.

(The Technology featured in this video is utilized at Be Well.)
Today's Chiropractor is an Expert in Normal Human Physiology. The more we learn about the nervous system and how the brain functions the better we understand Chiropractic. Chiropractic can help all people manage stress and is especially helpful for those suffering from Impulse Control like Trichotillomania or Sensory Processing Problems. Chiropractic Adjustments have a direct affect on the limbic system (the Motor Learning - Motor Pleasure Pathway of the brain). Activation of Neurotransmitters at the limbic system (AKA: the brain reward cascade) and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord help to regulate immune function and result in feelings of well-being when operating properly. If an imbalance impedes the normal flow of the cascade, feelings of anxiety, anger, fear or cravings for substances or actions (like Trich) that alleviate negative emotions, manifest. Disruption of this brain reward cascade results in a "Reward Deficiency". The stimulation provided by Chiropractic is Proprioception and Afferentation. This limbic system stimulation, while not fully understood, provides the underlying framwork for how Chiropractic will help you balance Reward Deficiency/Impulse Control.

Simply put, Chiropractic Adjustments send positive messages into your limbic system helping you balance “Interference” or “Lifestyle Stress”.  It would be wise to view Proprioception and Afferentation as essential nutrients. There are ways you can feed these pathways without Chiropractic Care, but the spine is rich in mechanoreceptors (relay centers for Proprioception/Afferentation) which makes Chiropractic a highly effective way to help you break stress patterns making any lifestyle change much easier. Because of this, Chiropractic is a great tool!! I recommend that you see a Chiropractic Wellness Specialist that understands Chiropractic to be only one piece of the puzzle. A "Lifestyle Based" Chiropractor will help you develop a plan for change. They will help you stay accountable while supporting you along your journey. Regular Chiropractic Care is One Thing everyone can do to help balance lifestyle stress and the only responsibility it takes on our part is to stay dedicated to care! Visit for more information.
How Can Chiropractic Affect of the Immune System?
(from Dr. Dan Murphy;

Other Resources and Research:

Video Resources:

Chiropractic Documentary Full Length
(Featured on Discovery Health)