Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Allow Me to Clarify

The problem is NOT JUST our perceived stress level, poor diet, bad gut flora or food sensitivities. It’s not just lack of physical activity, spiritual/empowerment crisis, our polluted environment, physical/emotional abuse or bad gene expression. The problem is not any ONE of these things; it's a combination of everything! Overall “Lifestyle Stress” is the problem and it has a compounding affect. (“Lifestyle Stress” Includes Physical, Chemical and Emotional Stress not just the stress you “perceive” as stress.) When you read information from people that control Trich without medication, everyone including myself has changed at least one "lifestyle factor" in order to gain control.

Taking NAC or Inositol or even going through therapy like CBT, all of these are lifestyle changes. NAC works by boosting cellular Glutathione levels but it is not the only way to do this; (click the how NAC works link below for more info). NAC, SAMe, Inositol and learning to talking to yourself in a supportive way… all of these natural approaches influence Glutathion Production and the body’s Methylation Process directly; this is why they help in many cases. Please read more on Methylation here: http://kickthetrich.blogspot.com/2012/10/it-is-key-that-you-understand.html
The link above contains new research looking at how early life experience has a direct influence on the body's methylation process. DNA methylation is a crucial part of normal development and cellular differentiation. DNA methylation stablizes gene expression patterns in cells so that cells can "remember where they have been".

We can't change things that have happened to us but we can change the way our body deals with it. Proper Methylation is responsible for Neurotransmitter Balance, Efficient Detoxification and Efficient Cellular Energy Production; it is responsible for how your body experiences health and deals with inflammation.Understanding why you need to focus on improving the way your body handles Methylation goes far beyond improving Trich symptoms. It's the process that directs your health future. This is the reason I’m so dedicated to raising awareness about how diet and lifestyle have a direct affect on the methylation process. Most people approach Trich through trying to manage their thought patterns. Changing thought patterns to be more supportive of YOU will absolutely improve the way your body methylates but your thought patterns are the hardest thing to change. Medication affects the way you produce neurotransmitters but it does not support neurotransmitter balance and most will further complicate the body’s ability to methylate properly.
[How NAC works and Inositol info and research. Inositol supports normal neurotransmitter function. All about N-Acetylcysteine and Glutathione here: http://kickthetrich.blogspot.com/2011/09/how-n-acetylcysteine-works.html]  

So, why do we see so much variation in the methods that have worked and why can’t everyone just follow one method and experience relief? The answer is giong to have something to do with the differences in epigenetic factors controlling our individual gene expression. (More on this here: http://kickthetrich.blogspot.com/2010/10/genes-vs-environment.html

Gain a better understanding, watch Epigenetics on PBS Nova.

Science of Methylation and Epigenetics Explained in Two Min.

In my case, no ONE method worked at all! It took an overall change for me to experience true relief. At Be Well we focus on diet and exercise first because we know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Standard American Diet and our lack of physical activity substantially decreases our body’s adaptability to lifestyle stress. We also know that neglecting these two lifestyle factors is devastating to cellular function, DNA Methylation and overall health. Research has proven that early childhood trauma and micro traumas throughout childhood will change Methylation patterns actually altering gene expression and science has proven that learning to think in ways that support WHO YOU ARE at your Very Core will support proper methylation in your body. Most of us feel like it would be impossible to change the way we think but we can start to improve the methylation process without changing thought patterns. When we take steps to improve Methylation through lifestyle this supports Neuroplasticity which makes changing thought patterns so much easier. 

Diet and exercise are the two factors that we have the most control over and when we start gaining control over those two aspects of our lives, we start feeling better and begin speaking to ourselves more positively. Overall stress levels begin to decrease, Immune function regulates and hormone levels become more balanced allowing a great number of people to gain leverage over many health issues, including Impulse Control and Sensory Processing Problems.
We’ve learned from studying DNA Methylation and Epigenetics that there is not just one cause of gene expression and we’re beginning to understand why two people can hold the same gene coding for a specific disease process and yet only one of these people express the disease. If you watch the PBS NOVA video above about epigenetics or go to www.pubmed.gov and search “epigenetic regulation AND Mental Health” or "Methylation and Mental Health" you will see that science recognizes manipulating epigenetic markers that control gene expression to be the future of medicine.The good news is that we don’t have to wait for FDA approval to facilitate down regulation of these epigenetic factors. If you take control of the lifestyle factors that promote balance, you can’t help but see overall improvement in function. Humans have engineered an unnatural environment that is extraordinarily convenient and there is resounding proof that we enjoy this convenience at the expense of our health!
Read Action Steps here!

Other Resources:

You can Change Your Brain; Understand Neuroplasticity!

All body systems work together. It’s absolutely ridiculous to treat one aspect of one body system and expect to “fix” anything… Listen to Dr. Donielle Wilson, ND. “Seven Essential Indicators for Optimal Women's Wellness: Digestion, Sleep, Energy, Mood, Cycle, Diet, Stress” Healing cannot take place until you start asking the right questions.

Animals struggle with similar problems and for the same reasons… more here.

Research from Purdue Univ. regarding Trich and Diet

If you are struggling with any of this information please watch the videos at this link and read "The Wellness and Prevention Paradigm" (READ THIS BOOK!)

Why is Trich (and other Impulse Control Problems) so Enjoyable?

It’s enjoyable because, (for whatever reason), our brains have hooked the release of “feel good” neurotransmitters to the action of both pulling the hair and performing the post pull sensory activity… (All impulse control issues stem from the same type of neurotransmitter imbalance, I'm not sure why our physiology chooses different forms of expression.) We have basically adapted a way to mentally “Check Out” of our environment, but the result of this adaptation is devastating to the lives of almost all who suffer. Where Trauma is involved, therapy and CBT can really help us find the event or chain of events that we are escaping. (Maybe you already know or maybe it doesn’t feel like Trauma at all from your current perspective.) Maybe Your Cause is not trauma related at all; Maybe your body is trying to escape a Physiological State of Being (ie: state of health) or maybe you are trying to escape a combination of both “micro traumas” and the physiological state you’ve set for yourself over time. Find YOUR reason (or reasons) your mind/body has a need for this escape and you will be able to address it and overcome it. Physical Trauma, Emotional Trauma, Cellular Toxicity and/or Deficiency; all of these reduce immune system function; they suppress mitochondrial activity which depresses the cell’s ability to produce energy efficiently. All of these stressors hinder our ability to adapt to our environment. Some of us will experience relief with therapy alone but most of us need a much deeper evaluation. CBT and Therapy alone does not hold an answer for all those who suffer and medication on its best day functions as a band-aid and at worst screws up everything…

If I were to start all over again, I would find a Functional Medicine Praticioner! Specifically, I would find a Chiropractor who practices Functional Medicine. Why Chiropractic? Click Here.

Functional Medicine Explained at TEDmed by Dr. Mark Hyman, MD

It's all connected; we have to stop treating the parts and start addressing the whole. ;-)

Join our "colsed" facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Be-Well-A-Chiropractic-Wellness-Community/114241455256159#!/groups/kickthetrich/

"The Illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn" Your Health Future is Truly in Your Hands. Now that you know, what are you going to do about it?

1 comment:

  1. Related Info.
