Sunday, October 31, 2010

Genes –vs- Environment

I think the verdict is clear; it’s both! Every week science is identifying genes that contribute to every health problem imaginable. It’s true; genes control traits that are passed down from generation to generation. What you’re not hearing much about is the fact that, when it comes to disease processes, these Genes must be activated! The Doctor always tells you about the gene they found but they always minimize the statement that follows with something like, “it also seems that lifestyle factors play a role.” It’s called Epigenetics, it’s real, and it’s crucial that you understand it. Dr Wiki actually has a decent definition, “In biology, and specifically genetics, epigenetics is the study of inherited changes in phenotype (appearance) or gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence, hence the name epi- (Greek: επί- over, above) -genetics. These changes may remain through cell divisions for the remainder of the cell's life and may also last for multiple generations. However, there is no change in the underlying DNA sequence of the organism; instead, Non-Genetic factors cause the organism's genes to behave (or "express themselves") differently.”  (Watch the video below on Epigenetics to fully understand the sicience behind what I talk about on this blog.)

“What we think of as our health is more like an interaction between our bodies, our genomes, our choices and our environment”. ~John Wilbanks featured in the TED talk below 
This is why it is vital that we ask the right questions and this is why we practice Functional Medicine at Be Well.

What we have learned from recent science is that our cells respond to our environment and it’s our environment that has the most control over gene expression. We know that there is genetic involvement with problems like Trichotillomania. (Specifically, the gene defect most commonly seen is in the A1 Allele of the D2 Dopamine Receptor; they have also identified problems in serotonin pathways and there are probably others as well. Research here: This dysfunction affects neurotransmitter function in the reward system of the brain which causese a sense of "Reward Deficiency". This Does Not mean that you are destined to struggle with these problems forever! Take “Action Steps” to down regulate the expression of these genes!

Trichotillomania, ADD/ADHD and so many other NATURAL Behavioral Problems have manifested because we are not supporting our normal natural physiology. YES, there’s a gene (or genes) responsible for making us susceptible to these problems but most of us are doing nothing about changing our environment to minimize activation of these issues. I’m not anti-medicine but they have us convinced that there’s something wrong with us, when in reality there’s something wrong with the environment. We’re just the ones that SENSE the problem! Once you understand these simple truths you can change your environment and that will lead to minimizing these "problems" and eventually overcoming them. This is real science, not pseudo-science and when you understand what I’m talking about here you will understand that you are not a VICTIM of bad genes or bad luck… You are powerful but you must support your body’s normal physiology; Wholeism is the only real answer! (more here:

Research from Purdue Univ. regarding Trich and Diet

Take Action Steps!

Watch "Changing Your Beliefs About Health and Illness:

More on Reward Deficiency Syndrome:

Support Group Information:

My Trich Story:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is Proprioception and how can it help?

One of the things that helped me slow down the pulling, early on, was not allowing myself pull with my left hand. I would not tell myself “I’m not going to pull” because when I ended up pulling, I would beat myself up… Instead I would allow myself to pull but not allow myself to go through the ritual. [I started with saying to myself, “you can pull if you want but you’re not using your left hand”… and then sit on my hand or even better than that,  get a bowl of fresh assorted raw veggies (carrots, broccoli, sprouts, etc. whatever you will eat) and stick your left hand in that bowl and slowly feel the differences in these veggies and then eat them slowly as you feel the erg to pull… That may sound crazy but what you are doing is increasing proprioception to your brain.] Pulling is a highly proprioceptive action and we engage our senses when we pull. Also when you are feeling stressed or bored, try to practice writing your name with your non-dominate hand (the pulling/picking hand most likely). This is great stress relief and it also teaches your mind/body to handle negative emotion better. (It forces you to use areas of your brain that are under-stimulated under normal cercumstances.) Our minds need more proprioception than the average person. Proprioception is the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body. Unlike the exteroceptive senses by which we perceive the outside world, and interoceptive senses, by which we perceive the pain and movement of internal organs, proprioception is a third distinct sensory modality that provides feedback solely on the status of the body internally. It is the sense that indicates whether the body is moving with required effort, as well as where the various parts of the body are located in relation to each other. This is just one piece of the puzzel but it’s a huge piece. You can increase healthy forms of proprioception fist and formost by getting exercise on a daily basis. (Nothing crazy, just walking daily is a start) learn to play an instrument, try the veggie thing or writing with your left hand at the very least get something to fidget with… Start Regular Chiropractic Wellness! (Action Steps here:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Diet is a good place to start!

(This info has been updated here: GAPS diet is a good plan (GAPS is a temporary diet and it's really well thought out). Paleo diet is a good plan. The plan I recommend is a good plan. Any anti-inflammatory diet/ lifestyle plan is a good place to start. Finding a Functional Medicine Doctor, performing blood work to figure out what your body needs, and developing a plan specific to you; if that is a possibility for you then that would be the best plan!)

If you find a Functional Medicine Practitioner, it will be the best trip to the doctor you have ever made. If you live in Central Florida click here, visit us at Be Well. Watch the video below, Functional Medicine explained at TEDMED.

I Just read John Kender’s diet plan for the first time the other day. It’s interesting because part of the protocol I used to stop trich involves a diet similar to his. Some people will respond dramatically to diet change, but for a lot of us the changes will need to go even further. Limiting sugar is absolutely necessary as well as staying away from inflammatory foods like beans in some cases and peanuts. Also, it’s imperative that you increase your Omega 3 fatty acid intake and completely cut out Trans fats. (Bad fats compete with good fats for binding at the cell membrane and all cells need good Omega fats to function properly). This book describes the diet aspect of the protocol I follow.

My wife is a Functional Medicine Doctor and Chiropractor at Be Well in New Smyrna Beach Florida. If you are located in the area, I have a support group that meets at her office on the first Wednesday of every month @ 6:30pm.  If you haven’t read my story, please do; I provide a list of all the resources I used to stop.

There are certain foods that should absolutely be avoided but we’ve recently implemented ALCAT testing in certain cases. People have trouble following diets but once they change the way they view food, they change their eating habits. Though it’s not necessary to see results, it really helps to see in black and white the foods you should stay away from. A simple blood test will tell you what foods you should absolutely avoid. Once you know you are sensitive to these foods, it’s easier to give them up. Diet change will help, but you must stick to it! (For example: Once you stop eating Trans. Fats it takes a minimum of 18 days to benefit from healthy omega fats and at least 52 days for cell membranes to detoxify..)
About ALCAT:

Here is the specific test we order; the price listed online is the price it would be if you ordered it yourself. If you go through a Doctor that supplies the test, (should be a list of docs online) it could be a lot less expensive.

[More information and clarification here:]

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

You Can Kick the Trich!

[This post has been expanded upon here:]

After over 24 years of pulling, I’ve managed to stop (pull free three years); but it has required a massive lifestyle change. Please read my letter to you all, I hope it helps!

Here’s a list of resources that have been paramount in helping me. There’s
nothing I’ve done that you can’t do; focus your energy on the PROCESS of
overcoming rather than the desired outcome. You can take control and live a life
FREE of Trichotillomania.

Start with you and your family! The first book I read (and then asked my mother to
read) was Why Won't My Child Stop Hair Pulling” by Abby Rohrer. You and your
closest family members need to read this book. (Lots of tears here but keep an
open mind and stick to the process).

If you are a video person, I’ve put together a video library that should help you
get a better understanding of how powerful Chiropractic care can be when
combined with lifestyle change.

If you are anything like me, then you are extremely analytical. Read Dr. James
Chestnut’s books! He is an expert in Wellness and without his insight on the
importance of how we eat, move and think and the pier-reviewed evidence he
provides explaining how deficient we all are in Proprioception and the help of my
wonderful wife, I would have never been able to put this all together. Chiropractic
can help us get closer to wholeness and it has been instrumental in allowing me
to drive progress toward being finally free.
Read selections of "The Wellness and Prevention Paradigm" here:

Click here to purchase:

Nathaniel Branden’s “The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem” has been
instrumental in helping me find the strength to go through this

Don Miguel Ruiz “The Four Agreements” has also been a huge personal help.

(Something I’ve noticed since returning to school) If you are currently in
school and have trouble concentrating or keeping up with notes. Try changing
the paper you use and the writing utensils. Try using Mead Acade’mie Sketch
Books for paper they have no lines on the page and the paper is thicker and has
texture. When you take notes, try using Crayola Twistable Colored Pencils (no
sharpening) to accent your notes. I love the way it feels writing with them on that
paper. Be weird, it’s okay. Much love, Christian