The video does a good job of explaining how the reward system works but the research is located here:
If you are a Doctor/Counselor or a highly analytical individual please listen to Julia Ross, MA explain why neurotransmitter balance is so important and how Balance can be achieved through Lifestyle Change and Amino Acid Supplementation. The audio below will explain why the Be Well Approach is so powerful. Click the link to listen:
Also Listen to:
The video above explains "Reward Deficiency Syndrome" which is a general term that includes Impulse Control Disorders such as Trichotillomania. Impulse Control is a “Primary Problem”; it's a real genetic dysfunction in the brains reward system which results in difficulty balancing neurotransmitter levels especially Dopamine and Serotonin. This dysfunction can be initially activated or exacerbated by Environmental Stressors AKA "Epigenetic Triggers". These Triggers can be chemical, physical, emotional or a combination of the three. Conversely, this dysfunction can be CONTROLLED by understanding how these stressors impact your health and by taking conscious control of your cellular environment! (more here: If you can find and afford to see a Doctor specializing in Functional Medicine or AT LEAST a Counselor/Therapist specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy who combines therapy with an Amino Acid based detoxification program (including essential lifestyle changes), you will experience significant relief. (This is how the Amino Acid Supplement NAC works there's also a section on Inositol. This is the best Amino Acid based detoxification protocol I know of, a modified version is used at Be Well If you make what you learn during the program a permanent part of your life, you could experience complete resolution. To learn more about Amino Acid Therapy and how it can help listen to Dr. Eric Braverman, author of The Edge Effect: Dr. Eric Braverman, author of The Edge Effect: If you are a Doctor/Counselor or a highly analytical individual please listen to Julia Ross, MA explain why neurotransmitter balance is so important and how Balance can be achieved through Lifestyle Change and Amino Acid Supplementation. The audio below will explain why the Be Well Approach is so powerful. Click the link to listen:
Also Listen to:
of Patient Resistance and Compliance - Combining Nutrition with Psychology
Featuring: Marla Friedman, PhD Click link:
Featuring: Marla Friedman, PhD Click link:
Find a Functional Medicine Practitioner! It will be the best trip to the doctor you have ever made. If you live in Central Florida click here, visit us at Be Well. Watch the video below, Functional Medicine explained at TEDMED.
Knowing what I know now a Functional Medicine approach including CBT and Amino Acid based Detoxification in combination with Lifestyle based Chiropractic Wellness Care is exactly where I would have started. If you can afford it, I would ask my doctor to look into metabloic testing, something like this and I would ask to add a panel looking at Vitamine D levels (regardless of how much sun you think you get). If I were female, I might have the need to ask the doctor to follow up with an expanded female hormone panel, something like this We have to be our own health advocate. Nobody’s coming to save us, take your life and your health back and be empowered! Answer this Neurotransmitter Balance Questionar to better understand how Amino Acid Therapy can help you and listen to the audio I have posted on this page. (Why Chiropractic? Click Here)
The video below explains the science behind what I talk about on this blog.
Please watch PBS's "Science NOVA" on Epigenetics.
All body systems work together. It’s absolutely ridiculous to treat one aspect of one body system and expect to “fix” anything… Listen to Dr. Donielle Wilson, ND. “Seven Essential Indicators for Optimal Women's Wellness: Digestion, Sleep, Energy, Mood, Cycle, Diet, Stress” Healing cannot take place until you start asking the right questions.
Rather than looking at this information as a diet or inconvenience, try to see it as a journey leading to optimal health and happiness. If you’re going to minimize chemical, physical and emotional stress you must start with things you know you can control. A diet supporting normal cell function, daily exercise and minimizing environmental toxins are three aspects of life that you have control over. To overcome dysfunction, you must think about Trichotillomania, Impulse Control Disorder or Sensory Processing Disorder not as “your disease” but as an expression of a larger problem. Through our consciousness, as humans, we see bad diet, toxic intake and lack of exercise as unrelated to our stress level; but to our body, Stress is Stress! The body does not share "our reality". To our body, our emotional state, our toxic exposure and the foods we eat all cause our cellular environment to be significantly altered. (We're living in a state of adaptive physiology rather than normal physiology.) Look at it this way: Think about your body as a bucket and think about these stressors as rocks that slowly fill that bucket. The bucket is pretty big and it can hold a lot of rocks but eventually these rocks accumulate and the bucket overflows leaving us with a serious dysfunction to deal with. You might be asking yourself, why does partial lifestyle change work for some people and not for others? This is because everyone’s bucket is a different size and everyone responds differently to lifestyle change. In many cases just changing diet or even adding an antioxidant supplement like NAC will lower “cellular stress” enough for people to experience significant or even complete relief. But this is not always the case; many people will need to take changes further. (More on this here:
Visit for more information and listen to this to understand how food allergy and sensitivity differ.]
Detailed information about our Support Group here:
[I've just updated this Action Steps list (6/6/14). I'm really trying to go back through all the information on this blog and update as needed. This is a huge list but as I've mentioned before, you can't change just one thing and expect to get anywhere, it's all important. If you were my patient and you could not afford to do the testing that would necessary to simplify this list, you would need to answer this questionnaire and we would get started. Start with the easy ones and work on the hard ones. Lifestyle and Dietary changes are necessary to gain control of any complex chronic disease. It is not easy but it will absolutely help. It’s key.]
Action Steps:
1.) Reduce Toxic Load: Remove all household products that contain harmful chemicals; replace with “green” or all-natural products. Replace Shampoos, soaps, beauty products, etc. Avoid burning candles and using air fresheners in the home. Familiarize yourself with the Environmental Working Group: and watch this YouTube video:!
2.) Absolutely NO TRANS FATS!! Read labels for Partially hydrogenated Oils and avoid them like the plague! Exchange Peanut Butter for Almond Butter or Sunflower Butter (both are excellent). Use Coconut Oil or Grape seed oil for cooking and baking. (Olive Oil is great but not for cooking at high temp).
3.) Eat at least 7 Servings of Veggies and Limited Fruits per day! (Shoot for 9 servings) Always shop according to the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” (Check for pesticide report and list of Fruits and Veggies that you should buy organic; updated regularly). If you can’t seem to eat that many servings of Veggies (I can’t and I’ve been trying) then supplement with a whole food greens supplement. Eat fruits that are low on the Glycimic index. Berries are best! (Avoid high sugar fruits like bananas, raisins, pineapple, etc…)
[There are many obvious reasons you should increase vegetable intake but you should know that your body cannot produce glutathione efficiently without the sulfur compounds found in Fresh Green Vegetables. More on how Glutathione works: *(Keep in mind that a serving is 1/2 cup and as close to 9 servings per day as you can; so, you would need to be extreamly vigilent to get this on a daily basis without jucing or supplemnting... I do a little bit of both. Juicing your own is the best option but I also use Healthforce's Vitamineral Green; it's the most potent formula I've found but there are several greens powders available that are acceptable, Purium makes a good one, Designs for Health Paleo Greens tastes the best (lemon/lime), several other good ones but you get what you pay for with greens powders, don't cut corners... For small children that will not take a green drink; Juice plus is a good option and available online. They make a wholefood gummies that taste really good but it's high in natural fructose and because you will need more than the recommended dose; a smoothie would be the best option if tolerated. ]
4.) Always Choose Grass-Fed beef or Bison, Fatty Fish like Salmon and Choose organic Free-Range Chicken and Eggs. This is Very Important! These meats are rich in minerals and healthy fats that our cells need to function properly. Conventional Meats are deficient in these essential fatty acids and Contain Toxic Substances and Hormones.
5.) Stay Active! Engage in some form of vigorous body movement at least 20 min every day! Humans modulate stress through movement! We are designed and required to move in order to stay healthy, so do it! Burst Training or Interval Training is the best. (You can start by buying a wobble board/proprioception trainer and google YTWL and cross-crawl exercises. At the very least you can stand on that board (shoes off) and do your YTWL's then cross-crawl exercises for 5 to 10 min every day. These are great exercises and will help you feed the motion/pleasure neural pathway I talk about.)
6.) Avoid Sugar and foods containing dyes, colorings and artificial flavorings. Examples include candy, soft drinks and kid cereals.
7.) Avoid Nitrates - found in lunchmeats, hot dogs and bacon. Nitrate-free products can be found at health food stores. (This is huge)
8.) Replace Dairy – Unsweetened Almond Milk, Rice Milk or Coconut Milk are great alternatives. Absolutely NO Chocolate Milk! (If you are one of the lucky people not sensitive to dairy or if giving up dairy is completely out of question. Try to limit cheese/dairy consumption to organic aged cheeses and organic milk. I use Rice Milk and I do occasionally eat some raw and aged cheeses and I sometimes mix raw milk in my protein shake in the morning when it's available. Why you should not drink milk: What makes Raw Milk different:
9.) Limit Grain Intake and Remove Gluten from Diet. Not everyone is going to have a problem with gluten (testing would be helpful but if you don’t know for sure you should cut it out.) (I use a Gluten Free Bread; made from millet and flax; if that's out of the question you should at least replace your bread with organic sprouted grain bread from freezer section.) Gluten is found in breads, pastas, and cereals. Replace with gluten-free products that you can find in almost every grocery store. Only use Gluten Free Products that have real food in them. The way “Gluten Free” has been marketed is ridiculous. More here:
10.) Replace table salt with Real Salt or Himalayan Sea Salt.
11.) My Daily Supplements Include:
- •High quality Grass Fed Whey Protein in the morning (boosts blood glutathione levels better than NAC) with ground Chia seed or flax seed and Greens Powder. (Whey is not for everyone but there are other options.)
•NAC 3 times per day (Urine Sulfite Testing will give you an idea about tolerance)
•Essential Fatty Acids – Omega 3 Fish Oil (Triglyceride Form) or Krill Oil
•B-Complex vitamin with methylated folate and plenty of B6. B Replete by Numedica is the best. If you are vegetarian then you will need a specific B Vitamin complex; Contact me for details.
•Vitamin D
• Greens supplement and/or juice
•Good Quality Probiotic (high in Bifido form of Bacteria)
12.) Work on Self Esteem! As you make these changes work on you! Everyone will benefit from supporting their self-esteem. Engage in group activities that support you. Use Affirmations! Speak to yourself with the respect you deserve!! Read The Six Pillars of Self Esteem. Do not be ashamed or afraid to get help; you cannot make life changes without support! A CBT therapist that understands what I talk about here can be a huge resource. If your therapist reads this information and dismisses it then you should find a new therapist. The one we work with understands the complex nature of this problem and is extremely helpful.
I like the Six Pillars of Self Esteem here:
I like the Six Pillars of Self Esteem here:
You can change your brain; Watch these videos to Understand Neuroplasticity and cick the link here to try Tapping!
13.) Find a Functional Medicine Doctor who is also a Chiropractor or works with a Chiropractor; it's the perfect treatment combination. While you are implementing lifestyle changes regular Chiropractic Care will support behavior change. Why you should consider regular Chiropractic care:
Dr. James Chestnut
Dr. Jay Holder (Holder Research Institute)
If you were to join Be Well, helping you begin this journey is where we would start! When considering dietary/lifestyle changes you must stick to the plan! Even after you stop eating trans fats, it will take a minimum of 18 days to benefit from healthy omega fats and can take up to 100 days for cell membranes to detoxify optimally. You can’t expect to follow a plan for a week or two and see amazing results. [I talk about testing at the top of this page and there’s a little more about food sensitivity testing below. While testing is expensive, it is fantastic for helping you understand exactly how important it is for all body systems to be balanced. It gives you a better idea of what lifestyle changes are absolutely necessary for you to see results and it gives you concrete evidence that taking the action steps I talk about here will truly help you. I also understand not having the money for testing. When I began my journey, I had no money for testing either. I followed global lifestyle guidelines that promote health and healing, (this blog is about Functional Medicine Principals that fight cellular inflammation and promote normal function). This worked for me and because the plan outlined on this page is an elimination plan, it can work for you. These guidelines go far beyond Trich or Impulse Control Prevention; they are action steps toward prevention of all disease processes and action steps toward a better quality of life. "Give Change a Chance!" For teenagers and adults, The fastest, easiest and least expensive way to implement a plan like this and have support along the way is to find a Wellness Center like Be Well that uses this protocol or something very similar. This is the 28 day detoxification program that we recommend; the cost is between $300 - $400 and it includes everything you need to complete the program (other than the food items for dietary changes; also, ask your Dr. about adding CraveArrest and Inositol to your detox protocol). A program like this is such a powerful tool to help you understand just how much control you actually have over your mind/body and will give you the confidence to make many of the lifestyle changes you will learn about a permanent part of your life. Don’t take my word for it, take the 28 day challenge and find out for yourself. If you are a parent, the plan for children would vary based on specific history findings and testing might be necessary. What is your child trying to escape from? Are they trying to escape a form of trauma, physical, sexual, emotional? Or is their body trying to balance cellular toxicity or cellular nutrient deficiency or it is a combination of all of these. All of these stressors cause imbalance in the basic physiological processes of the body. They alter everything from cellular energy production to cellular protein assembly. Get help from a Functional Medicine Practitioner! If you cannot find one locally my wife, Dr. Wendy Edwards is happy to do consultations via Skype.]
Something else to keep in mind is that food sensitivities can be a big problem in some cases. All of us eat foods that our bodies are sensitive to. When we have a food sensitivity our body reacts with an over production of histamine. (This is different than a blatant food allergy; we react negatively to food sensitivities all the time but we often do not associate the way we feel with our diet… This could be part of the reason for the itchy feeling pullers and pickers experience.) Taking type A and type O blood types into consideration, the lifestyle changes above address the most common food sensitivities wellness practitioners see clinically; should you choose/need to get really specific, the ALCAT is available at Be Well at a significantly discounted price.The ALCAT test is helpful to measure your Histamine response to over 200 foods & functional herbs. It’s especially helpful when dealing with complicated cases or if patients do not respond as expected or if patient compliance is an issue. (Some people just need blood work to see, in black and white, what foods they should eat and what foods they should stay away from. It really helps people see this as an essential lifestyle change rather than a diet.) Listen here; learn the importance of understanding how sensitivities affect us! [Check out ALCAT on facebook,!/pages/ALCAT-Food-and-Chemical-Sensitivity-Testing/34288719244 or Spectracell Micronutrient Testing is also helpful and sometimes necessary!]
If you were to join Be Well, helping you begin this journey is where we would start! When considering dietary/lifestyle changes you must stick to the plan! Even after you stop eating trans fats, it will take a minimum of 18 days to benefit from healthy omega fats and can take up to 100 days for cell membranes to detoxify optimally. You can’t expect to follow a plan for a week or two and see amazing results. [I talk about testing at the top of this page and there’s a little more about food sensitivity testing below. While testing is expensive, it is fantastic for helping you understand exactly how important it is for all body systems to be balanced. It gives you a better idea of what lifestyle changes are absolutely necessary for you to see results and it gives you concrete evidence that taking the action steps I talk about here will truly help you. I also understand not having the money for testing. When I began my journey, I had no money for testing either. I followed global lifestyle guidelines that promote health and healing, (this blog is about Functional Medicine Principals that fight cellular inflammation and promote normal function). This worked for me and because the plan outlined on this page is an elimination plan, it can work for you. These guidelines go far beyond Trich or Impulse Control Prevention; they are action steps toward prevention of all disease processes and action steps toward a better quality of life. "Give Change a Chance!" For teenagers and adults, The fastest, easiest and least expensive way to implement a plan like this and have support along the way is to find a Wellness Center like Be Well that uses this protocol or something very similar. This is the 28 day detoxification program that we recommend; the cost is between $300 - $400 and it includes everything you need to complete the program (other than the food items for dietary changes; also, ask your Dr. about adding CraveArrest and Inositol to your detox protocol). A program like this is such a powerful tool to help you understand just how much control you actually have over your mind/body and will give you the confidence to make many of the lifestyle changes you will learn about a permanent part of your life. Don’t take my word for it, take the 28 day challenge and find out for yourself. If you are a parent, the plan for children would vary based on specific history findings and testing might be necessary. What is your child trying to escape from? Are they trying to escape a form of trauma, physical, sexual, emotional? Or is their body trying to balance cellular toxicity or cellular nutrient deficiency or it is a combination of all of these. All of these stressors cause imbalance in the basic physiological processes of the body. They alter everything from cellular energy production to cellular protein assembly. Get help from a Functional Medicine Practitioner! If you cannot find one locally my wife, Dr. Wendy Edwards is happy to do consultations via Skype.]
Something else to keep in mind is that food sensitivities can be a big problem in some cases. All of us eat foods that our bodies are sensitive to. When we have a food sensitivity our body reacts with an over production of histamine. (This is different than a blatant food allergy; we react negatively to food sensitivities all the time but we often do not associate the way we feel with our diet… This could be part of the reason for the itchy feeling pullers and pickers experience.) Taking type A and type O blood types into consideration, the lifestyle changes above address the most common food sensitivities wellness practitioners see clinically; should you choose/need to get really specific, the ALCAT is available at Be Well at a significantly discounted price.The ALCAT test is helpful to measure your Histamine response to over 200 foods & functional herbs. It’s especially helpful when dealing with complicated cases or if patients do not respond as expected or if patient compliance is an issue. (Some people just need blood work to see, in black and white, what foods they should eat and what foods they should stay away from. It really helps people see this as an essential lifestyle change rather than a diet.) Listen here; learn the importance of understanding how sensitivities affect us! [Check out ALCAT on facebook,!/pages/ALCAT-Food-and-Chemical-Sensitivity-Testing/34288719244 or Spectracell Micronutrient Testing is also helpful and sometimes necessary!]
Impulse Control issues like Trichotillomania and other Sensory Processing Problems are whole body disorders and everyone suffering is affected differently. Some people respond dramatically to changes in one aspect of their lives while someone else will respond to another aspect of change; it’s best to attack these sensory issues from all sides. The goal SHOULD NOT be stopping the disorder or action. It SHOULD be to make your life more congruent with your natural state of being! FOCUS ON THE PROCESS, NOT the desired outcome! "Eat Right, Stay Active,Think and Be Well!" Please contact me with any questions. I’ll try to type up some of our recipes and put them in the “comments section”.
This is my trich story:
Join the "Kick the Trich" group on Facebook and stay in touch!!/home.php?sk=group_109906699074260&ap=1
If you live in Central Florida please join the support group, it's FREE! (Click the link for detailed information about the group We meet the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm and the Third Wednesday of every month at the New Smyrna Beach Public Library @ 5:30pm. Start taking "Action Steps" and be supported along the way!
This is my trich story:
Join the "Kick the Trich" group on Facebook and stay in touch!!/home.php?sk=group_109906699074260&ap=1
If you live in Central Florida please join the support group, it's FREE! (Click the link for detailed information about the group We meet the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm and the Third Wednesday of every month at the New Smyrna Beach Public Library @ 5:30pm. Start taking "Action Steps" and be supported along the way!
FAQ's and Other Info:
Why is Trich (and other Impulse Control Problems) so Enjoyable?
If I were to start all over again, I would ask my doctor to look into metabolic
testing, something like this
and if I were female I might have the need to ask the doctor to follow up with an expanded female hormone panel, something like this
It's all connected; we have to stop treating the parts and start addressing the whole. ;-)
Join our "colsed" facebook group here:!/groups/kickthetrich/
More Research:
If you are struggling with what I talk about here please read "The Wellness and Prevention Paradigm". Treatment protocols at Be Well are rooted in evidence brought to light by Dr. James Chestnut. His new book is fantastic and filled with scientific evidence supporting the topics discussed on this blog. You can read excerpts for free here:
ReplyDeleteIf you would like to purchase “Wellness and Prevention Paradigm” here is the link,
From his website:
"This book is the most easily understood, evidence-based, undeniable argument ever put forward regarding the indisputable facts that:
The era of addressing the effects of illness (symptoms and risk factors) has never worked, will never work, costs millions of lives, costs trillions of dollars, is destroying healthcare, and must come to an end.
The new evidence-based era of addressing the cause of illness (chronic lifestyle and environmental stressors) will save millions of lives, will save trillions of dollars, will save healthcare, and must begin."
Please know that our only motivation is to help everyone understand normal human physiology and why we experience abnormal behavior/symptoms. Be Well receives no proceeds from the sale of this book. Dr. Chestnut has written many books but they have all been intended to teach his approach to other Practitioners. This new book has been written in lay terms and is a must read for anyone needing a more in deapth understanding of the evidence supporting the Be Well approach.
More on Whey Protein and Why NAC Helps:
ReplyDeleteIt’s all about increasing your cellular ability to "detoxify" your body. Glutathione is an extremely important antioxidant! Cellular glutathione is the backbone of our antioxidant system but it must be produced in the body. NAC supplementation stimulates glutathione production in the body. Recent studies also indicate that higher amounts of whey protein offers major benefits to health and I believe it could be a more complete way to boost Glutathione levels. I drink a whey protein shake every morning that contains a mix of Amino Acids (including cysteine) designed to maximize Glutathione levels. I also mix gound chia seed in with it (another powerful antioxidant.)
More Info here about Whey Protein Benifits:
From about NAC and Glutathione:
“Glutathione is an important antioxidant. As a natural antioxidant produced by cells in the body, it provides protection from toxin damage and supports many essential biological functions. It is important to keep glutathione from becoming low, because low levels are associated with a variety of diseases. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is derivative of the amino acid cysteine. NAC can be used to boost levels of glutathione, and this article will show how to boost glutathione with NAC supplementation”
Read more: How to Boost Glutathione With NAC |