This support group is open to anyone struggling with Impulse
Control related problems and it is Absolutely Free of Charge! We meet at Be
Well, (, on the third Tuesday of every month, 6:30pm US-Eastern Time. Join our "closed/private" group on
The “Kick the Trich” group is very different from a traditional 12 step support group. There’s nothing wrong with 12 step type of programs, they are very helpful to many people. Unfortunately, they leave a great number of us feeling completely hopeless. This group is based on a program developed at Be Well in New Smyrna Beach, FL. It involves a series of “Action Steps” based on a scientific understanding of human physiology. Our “Action Steps” start out easy and fairly general; as you progress, the steps become more specific and personalized. The interesting thing we’re finding is that each person responds very differently to lifestyle changes; there is no way to know at what point in the process an individual will respond. The purpose of the group is to help you adopt a Prevention, Health and Wellness mindset. In order to do this you must focus your energy on creating a Present and Future Self and No Longer focus energy on Eliminating a Past Self. This group is our best attempt to create an environment that allows you to focus on solutions rather than problems. Trying not to pull hair or pick skin and trying not to think or act a certain way does not exist in a “Wellness Paradigm”. It is completely ineffective for us to think this way! By thinking this way we are re-enforcing a focus on existing negative neural pathways rather than placing emphasis on new positive neural pathways. (More on this here).
The “Kick the Trich” group is very different from a traditional 12 step support group. There’s nothing wrong with 12 step type of programs, they are very helpful to many people. Unfortunately, they leave a great number of us feeling completely hopeless. This group is based on a program developed at Be Well in New Smyrna Beach, FL. It involves a series of “Action Steps” based on a scientific understanding of human physiology. Our “Action Steps” start out easy and fairly general; as you progress, the steps become more specific and personalized. The interesting thing we’re finding is that each person responds very differently to lifestyle changes; there is no way to know at what point in the process an individual will respond. The purpose of the group is to help you adopt a Prevention, Health and Wellness mindset. In order to do this you must focus your energy on creating a Present and Future Self and No Longer focus energy on Eliminating a Past Self. This group is our best attempt to create an environment that allows you to focus on solutions rather than problems. Trying not to pull hair or pick skin and trying not to think or act a certain way does not exist in a “Wellness Paradigm”. It is completely ineffective for us to think this way! By thinking this way we are re-enforcing a focus on existing negative neural pathways rather than placing emphasis on new positive neural pathways. (More on this here).
Each month you focus on ONE step in EACH of these three categories. In this group we do not focus on stopping the behavior/disorder; we use techniques to help you break the “ritual” involved and we take positive action to stop the URGE in the first place. With the completion of each “Action Step” you become one step closer to freedom! Your mind/body is a feedback loop that has become dependent on a “stimulus” to produce a temporary feeling of pleasure, (it’s a problem in the “reward system” of the brain). To put it as simply as I can, you can take steps to break this feedback loop and actually reset your neurology and physiology to accept a new state of being. (Click here for a list of “Action Steps to Overcoming Trich & Impulse Control Disorders Naturally”)
In the support group we also discuss treatment options that
are designed to help you accelerate progress. These treatments are fantastic
tools but they are in no way a substitute for the lifestyle changes we focus on
in group. In group, I
only discuss non-pharmaceutical therapy options because in the vast majority of
cases, pharmaceuticals only further complicate problems like Trich. The treatment
options I recommend to supplement lifestyle changes are Chiropractic Wellness Care (How can Chiropractic Help? Click here), Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (free program here from Mood Gym:, "Focusing", Amino Acid
Therapy (Neurotransmitter Therapy), Auricolotherpy and/or
Acupuncture. These treatments affect us at the most primitive level, (the
limbic part of the nervous system), we can actually use these treatments to
help us increase immune function and regulate the reward center of the brain.
Simply put, they help us “re-set” our nervous system to accept a new state of
being. Therapies can help you feel more at ease, less anxious, less depressed
and will generally increase your sense of well being; but, they are no
substitute for making appropriate life changes. You must provide your body with
the raw ingredients it needs to express a new physiology!
What I mean is that you may experience some or complete relief through one or a combination of the treatment options discussed in group; but this relief will not last without making appropriate lifestyle changes! For instance, I get a lot of questions about NAC and it’s not uncommon for those with Trich or related conditions to experience significant relief with Amino-Acid Therapies. You’ve most likely read where someone has taken the amino acid supplement NAC (N-Acetylcysteine or related AA supplement) As a result, they’ve experienced significant relief or even complete resolution of Trich or related disorder symptoms. This happens commonly; (though NAC is only one of many amino-acids used in a true AA therapy protocol. NAC works best in combination with other Amino Acids and Nutrients. It works because it boosts Glutathione levels but it's not the only way to increase cellular Glutathione. More on NAC, Inositol and other AA's below:
What I mean is that you may experience some or complete relief through one or a combination of the treatment options discussed in group; but this relief will not last without making appropriate lifestyle changes! For instance, I get a lot of questions about NAC and it’s not uncommon for those with Trich or related conditions to experience significant relief with Amino-Acid Therapies. You’ve most likely read where someone has taken the amino acid supplement NAC (N-Acetylcysteine or related AA supplement) As a result, they’ve experienced significant relief or even complete resolution of Trich or related disorder symptoms. This happens commonly; (though NAC is only one of many amino-acids used in a true AA therapy protocol. NAC works best in combination with other Amino Acids and Nutrients. It works because it boosts Glutathione levels but it's not the only way to increase cellular Glutathione. More on NAC, Inositol and other AA's below:
NAC and Inositol are fantastic tools but the underlying cellular toxicity, nutritional deficiencies and
movement deficiencies must be addressed! This is the only way to naturally balance neurotransmitter levels on a long term basis. (Without the precursor AA’s from diet
we cannot make the appropriate proteins and regular body movement is essential
in this process.) Think about it this way, if you have a plant and you gave it
just sunlight and no water or just water and no sunlight or both sun and water
but soil that is completely nutrient deficient… In any of these circumstances,
not only would the plant fail to thrive but it would eventually die. The same
is true of humans; we are a living, walking, talking ecosystem! Unfortunately,
most people are un-intentionally forcing their 70 Trillion “Cellular Citizens”
to function and reproduce in a completely toxic and deficient environment. If you wish to experience lasting relief, you
must start asking yourself the right questions, address chronic lifestyle
problems and take steps to rebuild your self-image. This is where a good
support group can be extremely beneficial!!
I understand how hopeless and dissolute you may feel but I know you can make changes, take control and find relief. I know this because after 24 years of hair pulling, I have found peace. You can do this, start taking “Action Steps” today! (You can read about my struggle with Trichotillomania here)
If you are looking for a doctor, find a Functional Medicine Practitioner! It will be the best trip to the doctor you have ever made. If you live in Central Florida click here, visit us at Be Well. Watch the video below, Functional Medicine explained at TEDMED.
I understand how hopeless and dissolute you may feel but I know you can make changes, take control and find relief. I know this because after 24 years of hair pulling, I have found peace. You can do this, start taking “Action Steps” today! (You can read about my struggle with Trichotillomania here)
If you are looking for a doctor, find a Functional Medicine Practitioner! It will be the best trip to the doctor you have ever made. If you live in Central Florida click here, visit us at Be Well. Watch the video below, Functional Medicine explained at TEDMED.
More Resources:
All body systems work together. It’s absolutely ridiculous to treat one aspect of one body system and expect to “fix” anything…
Listen to Dr. Donielle Wilson, ND. “Seven Essential Indicators for Optimal Women's Wellness: Digestion, Sleep, Energy, Mood, Cycle, Diet, Stress” Healing cannot take place until you start asking the right questions.
Listen to Dr. Donielle Wilson, ND. “Seven Essential Indicators for Optimal Women's Wellness: Digestion, Sleep, Energy, Mood, Cycle, Diet, Stress” Healing cannot take place until you start asking the right questions.
At the most basic level, a cellular imbalance causing dysfunction in the brains "Reward System" is what we're dealing with! (Dopamine, Serotonin and other Neurotransmitter imbalance)
This video does a good job of explaining how the reward system works but the research is located here:
Understanding Epigenetics & Taking Action is how you fix it! If you are ready for help, find a Doctor who practicies Functional Medicine.
Join the group on Facebook!!/home.php?sk=group_109906699074260&ap=1
[If you are struggling with any of the information I provide here please read “The Wellness and Prevention Paradigm” or watch the videos here:]
What is Wellness Based Chiropractic and how can it Help?
Epigenetic Involvement
What is N-Acetylcysteine (AKA: NAC) and how can it help?
(More on How NAC Works here:
I talk about Amino Acid Therapy Protocols in the Support Group and I do believe NAC and other Amino Acids to be very effective but I do not write much about AA Therapy protocols because I do not believe you should prescribe it to yourself! Amino Acid Supplementation should be discussed with your natural health expert or Dr. (FYI: Most sources suggest that the effective dose for Amino Acids, like NAC, should starts at 100mg and can be increased from there. Most people respond to daily doses of 500-1500 mg in divided dosages two or three times per day. Amino acids are most effective when taken with water on an empty stomach, especially the larger amino acids.) More info here about AA Therapy protocols, Chapter 4 of this book (free read).
“Glutathione is an important antioxidant. As a natural antioxidant produced by cells in the body, it provides protection from toxin damage and supports many essential biological functions. It is important to keep glutathione from becoming low, because low levels are associated with a variety of diseases. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is derivative of the amino acid cysteine. NAC can be used to boost levels of glutathione, and this article will show how to boost glutathione with NAC supplementation”
Read more: How to Boost Glutathione With NAC |
I get a lot of questions about "The Urge" and "Is the urge still there?" I treat Trichotillomania at the cellular level, where the urge originates, using Functional Medicine Principals. That is why what I have to share helps all people with Impulse Control Problems not just those of us with Trich. The best way I can explain how I experience the urge is that it has faded away over time… Rather than the urge to pull being this drive that cannot be ignored, at first it becomes a smaller voice that is easier to control and then a smaller voice yet until it’s hardly heard at all. I can’t say that I never get the urge to pull anymore but I can say that I hardly ever experience it; when I do the urge is so very insignificant that has become easy to control. More info on Functional Medicine here:
Why is Trich (and other Impulse Control Problems) so Enjoyable?
It’s enjoyable because, (for whatever reason), our brains have hooked the release of “feel good” neurotransmitters to the action of both pulling the hair and performing the post pull sensory activity… (All impulse control issues stem from the same type of neurotransmitter imbalance, I'm not sure why our physiology chooses different forms of expression.) We have basically adapted a way to mentally “Check Out” of our environment, but the result of this adaptation is devastating to the lives of almost all who suffer. Where Trauma is involved, therapy and CBT can really help us find the event or chain of events that we are escaping. (Maybe you already know or maybe it doesn’t feel like Trauma at all from your current perspective.) Maybe Your Cause is not trauma related at all; Maybe your body is trying to escape a Physiological State of Being (ie: state of health) or maybe you are trying to escape a combination of both “micro traumas” and the physiological state you’ve set for yourself over time. Find YOUR reason (or reasons) your mind/body has a need for this escape and you will be able to address it and overcome it. Physical Trauma, Emotional Trauma, Cellular Toxicity and/or Deficiency; all of these reduce immune system function; they suppress mitochondrial activity which depresses the cell’s ability to produce energy efficiently. All of these stressors hinder our ability to adapt to our environment. Some of us will experience relief with therapy alone but most of us need a much deeper evaluation. CBT and Therapy alone does not hold an answer for all those who suffer and medication on its best day functions as a band-aid and at worst screws up everything…
Understand Neuroplasticity; You Can Change Your Brain!
Dr. Oz’s Disease Detectives
"Dr. Oz hand-picked this panel of disease detectives with the power to heal. They are pioneers in a new field called Functional Medicine, which focuses on looking beyond symptoms to treat the actual cause of your condition. Learn about their cutting-edge treatments for diabetes, fatigue, Alzheimer’s disease and menopause." You should treat Trich or your form of ICD the same way, find the interference and remove it. Stop treating symptoms and get to the CAUSE!
Bottom Line: If I were to start all over again, I would ask my doctor to look into metabolic testing, something like this and I would ask to add a panel looking at Vitamine D levels. If I were female, I might have the need to ask the doctor to follow up with an expanded female hormone panel, something like this It's all connected; we have to stop treating the parts and start addressing the whole. The biggest problem we have is finding and affording GOOD help for problems like Trich. That is why this group exists! ;-)